17 Hacks Every Woman Should Know
Posted on June 30 2017

- Test your foundation on your neck instead of your arm.
2. Need your nails to dry fast? Submerge your just-painted nails into cold water for just a few minutes. When you remove your fingertips, the polish will be dry!
3. You can also dry your nails quickly by spraying PAM on your wet polish.
4. For all you moms, your life will be so much easier when you learn of this trick: Use ice cubes to remove gum from hair. It will harden the gum, making it easier to remove. You can use this method for removing gum on any unwanted surface.
5. Use clear nail polish on the inside of your rings to prevent those tell-tell green stains on your skin.
6. Hang your purses and belts with shower hooks. This is a great method to try for anyone, reducing clutter and making your purses and belts easier to find.
7. Paint your keys with nail polish to easily distinguish the sets. This is a good trick for houseguests, babysitters, ect.
8. When packing your suitcase, wrap your shoes in a shower cap to prevent the soles of your shoes touching your clean clothes.
9. The best kept secret to super smooth legs: Shave, then use an olive oil/sugar scrub. Then, shave again. It will get off dead skin that you did not even know was there!
10. 10 teas to try when you:
Have a headache- ginger tea
Have bad breath- black tea
Have the jitters- pass flower tea
Have the allergy sniffles- Nettle tea
Have 3pm cravings- green tea
Feel unintelligent- gingko tea
Want to sleep- Valerian Tea
Have a sweet tooth- licorice tea
Have belly woes- peppermint tea
Want faster calorie burn- oolong tea
11. Use chalk to get rid of grease stains.
12. When you get something that can stain on your clothes, immediately spray that spot with hairspray to prevent the stain from setting in.
13. Get rid of unwanted hair anywhere! For one week: Rub 1 Tbsp of coffee grinds mixed with 1 Tsp of baking soda on the area of the unwanted hair. The baking soda intensifies the compounds of the coffee, and causes it to break down the hair follicles at the root.
14. Squeeze lemon juice onto sweat stains before putting it into the washer to remove the stain completely!
15. Coat your razor with olive oil between shaves to prevent it from rusting.
16. Use dry shampoo at night rather than in the morning, so it has all night to soak up any oil and sweat.
17. When traveling, put your necklace through a straw and secure the clasp of the necklace to prevent any tangling.
Hopefully at least one of these hacks will be helpful to you in your everyday life, and if you know a hack that you know and love, we would love to learn it! Put your favorite hacks in the comments below!
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Have a Royally pampered day! -Our Royal Family