Tis the season… wedding season, that is! We compiled the most informative, helpful list of ways possible to make yours or a loved one’s big day go as smooth as possible and without a hitch (pun not intended)
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Check out our latest blogs featuring new products, news, and helpful hints!
Savannah Sneed
Posted on July 23 2018
Tis the season… wedding season, that is! We compiled the most informative, helpful list of ways possible to make yours or a loved one’s big day go as smooth as possible and without a hitch (pun not intended)
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on December 29 2017
No matter what time of year it is we love sharing pictures of all of our Queens! We appreciate every single time we are tagged in a photo. YOU are our face, hair and personality. Thank you for representing Queen C so amazingly and we can't wait to see what 2018 holds.
Let's look at our Top 20 posts by "likes" of 2017 on Instagram. Which one was your favorite?
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on December 07 2017
During the Holidays we get so busy that at times we tend to neglect ourselves. And that is especially true when it comes to our hair. And our hair is what people see first!
Read for tips that will not only save you time, but also help you achieve glamorous hair all year and especially through the holidays.
Savannah Sneed
Posted on December 07 2017
Read below for fast and easy hairstyles that will not only save you time, but also make you feel glamorous and festive.
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on November 26 2017
Savannah Smiley
Posted on August 04 2017
April Wilson
Posted on July 08 2017
Savannah Smiley
Posted on June 30 2017
Savannah Smiley
Posted on June 30 2017
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
More often than not, most of us are confined to a small number of hairstyles that will “suit” our haircut or hairstyle. The reason? Usually because we simply do not have the right knowledge and access to tips and tricks for every day hair, much less for those of us with hair extensions.
All you need to make that beautiful transition into effortless, luxurious hair is a few tips and tricks that will make every head turn when you walk in the room!
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
Vitamin B plays such an important role in achieving and maintaining healthy hair. Read the facts below and let us know your thoughts.
Vitamin B prevents hair fall and promotes new hair growth. By including Vitamin B in your diet on a daily basis you can improve your hair and achieve lustre and shine.
If you are suffering from hair loss, include Vitamin B foods in your diet. For thick, strong and shiny hair, you have to include ample amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet. When a person lacks essential nutrients because of poor diet, the hair will become brittle, thin with no shine or luster. In severe conditions, it can even lead to baldness.
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
With it being one of our newest and best-selling collections, you may not know all of the amazing things about our AIRess Clip & Tie Ponytail Collection. Today, we want you to know more than just the obvious of why you will love the AIRess Clip & Tie Ponytail as much as we do!
Not only is it fun to wear, the AIRess Clip & Tie Ponytail adds amazing length, volume, and thickness to your ponytail.
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
Even though it is one of our best-selling collections, you may not know all of the amazing things about our Crown Jewels Clip-In Extensions. Today, we want you to know more than just the obvious of why you will love Crown Jewels Extensions as much as we do!
1. Instant length, thickness, and volume
Not only is it fun picking your shade, you can also pick which length and weight you want your hair to be! You can choose between:
18 inches – 140 grams
20 inches – 180 grams
22 inches- 220 grams
Who says you can’t get exactly what you want when it comes to hair extensions?!
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
Cheryl Whitt
Posted on June 30 2017
There are no other hair extensions like it anywhere else, so we can see why you could be unsure as to why our AIRess Collection is so great. We are here to give you all the amazing reasons we love (and know you will love) this exclusive hair extension collection!
We know the struggle that so many have when it comes to creating fullness in fine and/or thin hair. The AIRess Collection was designed specially for you! Those with the issue of limp, flat, fine hair are the ones that actually NEED extensions but there was just nothing on the market that looked natural, or didn’t show.
Until now!!
Get your confidence back, have that hairstyle you didn’t think possible, give your hair what it has been missing.
Savannah Smiley
Posted on June 30 2017
Summer is approaching us quickly which means so is the beach time, the pool water, and the summer heat. Why not get your hair ready for the summer by getting it in tip-top shape before it can become damaged by the season elements?!
Below, we have provided all the DIY hair masks you'll need for every thing that can happen during the summer: Dry Hair, Damaged/Brittle Hair, Oily Hair, and Dandruff. With each problem, we have provided two different hair masks to get you through the summer. Enjoy these 8 hair masks, and make sure you let us know how much they helped your hair!